Donor Report
Click here to download our most recent donor report. Read about how you've helped us to impact the lives of the Songo community. Wishlist 2024
Your generosity can make a real impact. Please consider donating one of these items to help us address and achieve our goals.
We appreciate once off donations of any amount. Please use one of these payment gateways to make your donation:
Donate with PayPal.
Donate via credit card
Make a donation of any amount.
Banking Details
Account name: Trust
Account number: 62789334465
Bank: FNB
Branch code: 200610
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
Donate via SnapScan
Donate via zapper Wishlist 2024
Your generosity can make a real impact. Please consider donating one of these items to help us address and achieve our goals.
Donate with PayPal.
Donate via credit card
Make a donation of any amount.
Banking Details
Account name: Trust
Account number: 62789334465
Bank: FNB
Branch code: 200610
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
Tax Exempt Donations
Songo Info Trust proudly holds the status of a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) and is recognized as a Section 18A-approved entity under the Income Tax Act. This empowers us to issue Section 18A receipts to our donors.
All donors (excluding collective investment scheme) are eligible for an income tax deduction on their charitable contributions. This deduction is capped at 10% of their taxable income for the year—calculated before the inclusion of any retirement fund lump sum or severance benefit. Should your generosity exceed this threshold, the surplus amount is not lost; it is simply deferred, carried forward as a potential deduction for the subsequent tax year.
We encourage those seeking more nuanced advice to engage with a tax professional. While we are committed to providing you with accurate information, please note that our guidance should not be considered as professional tax advice.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
Aesop (c.620-560 BC)